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Ham and Pea Casserole

Tasty & Healthy Ham and Pea Casserole

For those busy nights, A delicious and quick meal the family will love and appreciate

Tasty & Healthy Ham and Pea Casserole the whole family will enjoy. For those busy nights, A delicious and quick meal the family will love and appreciate.

Ham and Pea Casserole
Ham and Pea Casserole!

Who couldn’t use a quick hot dinner on a night when the evening activities are booked. Such as the kids sports practices, a PTA meeting, or things just needed to be taken care of and you ran short on time. Cooking a full meal seems too tasking but you just don’t want to skip the wholeness of a good meal including your meat, starch, and non-starch vegetable. How often do we run out of time to make a homecooked meal in today’s high paced society. And how hard is it to get the family to eat their vegetables. Can I get a hear! hear!

Well never you fret because the below dish includes the proteins, the greens, and the starch that comprise a full proper meal while reducing the prep time that most nourishing meals require. Plus the family will love eating this meal consisting of a savory mix of flavor.

        • Egg noodles.
        • Cooked ham or ham steaks.
        • Fresh or frozen peas.
        • Canned ‘Cream of Mushroom’ soup.

And if you know one night this week that you are going to be extra busy you can always prep this the night before and stick the covered casserole dish in the refrigerator till the next night.

        • (1 bag) Egg noodles.
        • (1 lbs) Cooked ham or ham steaks.
        • (1/2 lbs) Fresh or (1 bag) frozen peas.
        • 1 or 2 Can(s) ‘Cream of Mushroom’ soup.

Boil the noodles till they are tender. If using fresh peas, steam for 10-15 minutes to start softening. While the noodles and peas are boiling, cut the ham into cubes. In a large bowl, Pour the ‘Cream of Mushroom’ soup and add 1/2 the indicated amount of water. Mix well with a fork until all the lumps are no longer present. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.


In the large bowl containing the Cream of Mushroom’ mix add the ham, the peas, and the egg noodles. Mix until the ham, peas, and egg noodles are covered. Pour into a medium size casserole dish.

Pea Pods
Fresh Pea Pods

When everything is in the casserole dish, place in the oven and  bake at 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes or until hot throughout, bubbling. For extra flavor, pull the casserole out of the oven and throw some shredded cheddar cheese on it and continue baking for another 5 minutes. let sit for a minute and serve hot.

What a quick and easy delicious dish for those nights when we run out of time. Fun fact, like with many of our other quick meal recipes you can always prep extra and freeze it for another night. We hope your family enjoys this recipe. And I am sure you will appreciate the short amount of time to prepare and serve.  As always check out our other posts for more quick and easy meals jam packed with nutrients.


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